We work in partnership with Croydon organisations and Neighbourhood Care Groups to provide a range of essential support services to reduce social isolation and loneliness in vulnerable older people over 65. Croydon Neighbourhood Care Association (CNCA) provides capacity building, member forums, training, communication, and a regular bulletin. If you are interested in becoming a member group, please contact us for more details and a membership application pack.


CNCA Befrienders

Croydon Neighbourhood Care Association (CNCA) run a very popular bespoke befriending service providing home visits to frail, elderly, housebound people with complex needs and often a dementia diagnosis. Alongside this is a volunteer run telephone 'keeping in touch' service. If you have anyone who could benefit from our level of support, please contact us for a referral form.

Tel: 020 8654 4440    |     Email: info@cnca.org.uk


Please click on the image below for more updates or HERE for more about us.   








Tips for coping in hot weather

Keep out of the heat if you can. If you must go outside, stay in the shade especially between 11am and 3pm, wear sunscreen, a hat and light clothes, and avoid exercise or activity that makes you hotter.

Cool yourself down. Have cold food and drinks, avoid alcohol, caffeine and hot drinks, and have a cool shower or put cool water on your skin or clothes.

Keep your living space cool. Close windows during the day and open them at night when the temperature outside has gone down. Electric fans can help if the temperature is below 35 degrees. Check the temperature of rooms, especially where people at higher risk live and sleep.


Who's most at risk?

A heatwave can affect anyone, but the most vulnerable people are:

  • older people – especially those over 75
  • those who live on their own or in a care home
  • people who have a serious or long-term illness including heart or lung conditions, diabeteskidney diseaseParkinson's disease or some mental health conditions
  • people who are on multiple medicines that may make them more likely to be badly affected by hot weather
  • those who may find it hard to keep cool – babies and the very young, the bed bound, those with drug or alcohol addictions or with Alzheimer's disease
  • people who spend a lot of time outside or in hot places – those who live in a top-floor flat, the homeless or those whose jobs are outside

   Summer 1 


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